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How do I know if my gutters are blocked?

by London Gutter Cleaning

clock 3 min
If you're a homeowner, it's important to be aware of the common signs of a blocked gutter. Your gutters offer a crucial defence for your home when the weather takes a turn. They rapidly divert large volumes of precipitation away from the building, but this protection requires regular maintenance to function properly. Clogged gutters not only create inconvenience and expense, but can also lead to much more serious problems if ignored. A blocked gutter can cause water damage to your home, so it's important to take action if you notice any of these signs. Read on for more information on how to identify and address a blocked gutter.
STEP 1: Take a look up and inspect your gutters

Beginning your gutter inspection, check out the gutters and downpipes around your house. You may even catch a glimpse of them from an upper window. Signs that they are blocked will be readily visible if you look closely. Look for any of these telltale signs that your gutter has become blocked:

- Sometimes blockages can be obvious, can you see any?
- Is water over flowing in a certain point?
- Can you see drips coming from the gutters?
- Can you seen any damage to the fascias?
- Are there any small animals in the gutters, for example birds, small rodents?
- Is there any vegetation growing out from the gutters?
- Are the gutters sagging or bulging in places?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above, then it may be time for some gutter cleaning as a blocked gutter can lead to bigger issues down the line. Make sure to take care of this sooner rather than later!
STEP 2: Take a look around and inspect the outside of your property

Did you notice any of the signs of blocked gutters mentioned above? Even if not, it is still possible that your gutters are blocked. If there's a blockage within the pipes, it can present differently - ask yourself:

Are there signs of cracks in the foundations?
Is there any damage to brickwork or pointing?
Are you exterior walls turning green or mouldy?

If you've answered 'yes' to any of these questions, it's vital that you clear out your blocked gutters as soon as possible. These signals may indicate ongoing damage to your home caused by the clogged gutters and if left untreated could become expensive to repair. Taking action now is the best way to prevent this from happening.

STEP 3: Finally, take a look inside your property

Don’t think that just because you haven’t noticed external signs of blocked gutters, they aren’t an issue. In fact, the worst type of damage caused by blocked gutters can often occur within the home without noticing. If you have leaks in your roof or water stains on your ceilings, don't immediately assume that you need to repair the roof; it could be a sign of blocked gutters. When rainwater has nowhere to go, it can back up and seep into your home causing leaks and mould. If this is happening, have your gutters checked for blockages.

Regular maintenance is essential

It is much more effective to practice prevention than to deal with the after-effects. Identifying clogged gutters isn't always easy, but it's important to take preventative measures in order to stave off any potential damage. In Britain, where we experience a wide range of weather conditions and our landscape is populated by deciduous trees, it is essential that gutters are regularly serviced and cleaned. Doing so will help to ensure they remain free-flowing and clear of debris. For the highest level of safety and reliability, London Gutter Cleaning is on hand to provide professional gutter cleaning services. Our expert team are highly experienced in utilising the correct methods and techniques to ensure your gutters receive regular maintenance and clearing - giving you peace of mind that your gutters are in good shape.
By London Gutter Cleaning

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How Do I know If My Gutters Are Blocked?
How Often Should I Clean My Gutters
Signs my Gutter Need Repair?